When you make the decision to explore a country by way of backpacking, you want to do and see as much as possible for as little as possible, am I right?! Well, here’s a few money saving ideas for you;
- Hostels with breakfast included. Always try to find hostels that are well priced and include breakfast, that way you have one less meal to pay for.
- Travel light. Extra luggage on most forms of transport cost extra, not to mention make it more difficult to get around! Try to have everything you need in one hiking bag or case on wheels and one small carry on bag, this way you shouldn’t have to pay for extra luggage.
- Always carry a water bottle with you. It may sound silly but water is so important and not to mention expensive as it can add up extremely quickly when you are purchasing bottled water numerous times per day. Purchase a good insulated water bottle that will withstand the trip and just refill it whenever you see a water fountain.
- Meal Deals. Local eateries will always have daily specials such as half price meals, etc. so always be on the lookout and enjoy a meal out without having to pay full price. Just because you are backpacking on a budget doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself every so often!
- Cook your own food as often as possible. For the most part making your own meals is the way to go, always try to be self-sufficient as this will save you bucketloads and allow you to travel for longer.
- Talk to locals. Talking to the locals is a fantastic way of meeting people and getting to know a little bit about the town you are visiting. You will also most likely find that they know what the best things to see and do are that generally they don’t cost an arm and a leg!
- Visit free attractions. Well, this one speaks for itself, the more free attractions you visit the further your budget will go.
- Make use of Visitor Centres in each town you visit. Visitor Centre’s are a must to get all the info on what is happening in each town, you’ll also be able to get some tips and discounts on all things local.
- WiFi. Internet access is an essential when travelling these days, so make sure you visit and stay at places offering free WiFi (though do be cyber concious as well!)
- If you are travelling long distances between places, see if you can travel overnight by bus, it’s generally a cheaper form of travel and saves you a nights accommodation.
Hopefully these tips will help you to travel for less and for longer, enjoy your travels!
Courtesy of Tegan Finnerty