Hi, I’m Mel and I’m the cleaner for Integrity coachlines. I have worked here since December 2021 and am lucky enough to have secured this job after a very intense and stressful interview (ok, ok, it was more like I’m the owners niece and my family threw me ‘under the bus’ like I was in one of the hunger games movies).
In my spare time (as a mother of 4 with a fifo husband) I like to do nothing. Absolutely nothing. Also I’m not certain what spare time actually is.
During my time at Integrity I have learnt many things such as how most of the drivers like their coffee, the office ladies are the actual bosses, when you’re told a bus needs ‘a quick sweep’, expect to take every product with you and don’t make plans for the next few hours, and above all when cleaning, never, and I mean never use a toilet brush as a microphone.
I consider myself to be a good egg, however the vacuum and mop tell people I push them around a lot, and if someone is having a bad day they can come listen to me sing as I clean and realise that my voice is a lot worse than their problem and walk away feeling better.
In all seriousness, I love my job and the amazing people I work with, there is always laughter and smiling faces, and great stories being told of journeys near and far, I am lucky enough to have my uncle as my boss (even if our family tree is full of nuts), and there is always a coffee ready when I need after an early start to the day!
So next time you board an Integrity Coach, enjoy the sparkle I created, and please always remember to flush the toilet.